NEW Installation - "Fortune Tellers-Tell me the Future"
Fortune Tellers-Installation Series
This new origami installation series “Fortune Tellers - Tell me the Future Series” is comprised of a collection of folded and painted fortune-tellers that stir up childhood memories of excitement. It is almost irresistible to not want to pick these playful objects up. They taunt us to open and close them. They raise our curiosity.
Fortune-tellers have enchanted the human psyche for centuries. Used as contemporary playful tools in my installation work, these fortune-tellers provide a sense of hope and direction. In today’s challenging and confusing times, it is my hope that this new origami installation series “Fortune Tellers - Tell me the Future Series” contributes a positive and inquisitive perspective.
This new origami installation series “Fortune Tellers - Tell me the Future Series” is comprised of a collection of folded and painted fortune-tellers that stir up childhood memories of excitement. It is almost irresistible to not want to pick these playful objects up. They taunt us to open and close them. They raise our curiosity.
Fortune-tellers have enchanted the human psyche for centuries. Used as contemporary playful tools in my installation work, these fortune-tellers provide a sense of hope and direction. In today’s challenging and confusing times, it is my hope that this new origami installation series “Fortune Tellers - Tell me the Future Series” contributes a positive and inquisitive perspective.
- Q-tip Garland Installation - Rainbow (2018)
Q-Tip Garland Installation Series
Inspired by process, Q-tips serve as a continuum for me as they are an every day tool and also function as brushes in my artwork. Through this role, they are immersed in the colors inspired by traditional Sari’s and transformed into beautiful objects after being used as brushes for my paintings and prints. Being open to all media, my work with Q-tips as material resulted from what initially could have been discarded material from my studio practice.
The Q-tip Garland Installation Series is based on the process of hand tying these colorful Q-tip relics into garlands in the way traditional flower garlands are created. This series connects me with memories of my childhood days when I made jasmine flower garlands with my mother. The process of this work is equally important as the finished product. I see the discarded Q-tip material as transformative. Woven together, they also reference DNA strands. Biological references are a constant with my work hand in hand with ideas of identity, feminism and women’s work. Embracing these references, this series gives a positive spin on how we can co-exist with our various genetic make-ups, sex and spirits in beauty. Through color and form, this series speaks to the potential of change, growth and transformation through simplicity.
Inspired by process, Q-tips serve as a continuum for me as they are an every day tool and also function as brushes in my artwork. Through this role, they are immersed in the colors inspired by traditional Sari’s and transformed into beautiful objects after being used as brushes for my paintings and prints. Being open to all media, my work with Q-tips as material resulted from what initially could have been discarded material from my studio practice.
The Q-tip Garland Installation Series is based on the process of hand tying these colorful Q-tip relics into garlands in the way traditional flower garlands are created. This series connects me with memories of my childhood days when I made jasmine flower garlands with my mother. The process of this work is equally important as the finished product. I see the discarded Q-tip material as transformative. Woven together, they also reference DNA strands. Biological references are a constant with my work hand in hand with ideas of identity, feminism and women’s work. Embracing these references, this series gives a positive spin on how we can co-exist with our various genetic make-ups, sex and spirits in beauty. Through color and form, this series speaks to the potential of change, growth and transformation through simplicity.
Garland Sculpture/Installation from exhibition at Midway Gallery, San Francisco (2016)
Garland Installation- "Upside down Rainbow" Recent exhibition at Incline Gallery, San Francisco (2017)
Q-tip Garland Installation-1
Framed Q-tip Garland Installation (2018) 49" x 8" EACH
"Rice Lore" 2003
Rice Lore Installation: Artist's Statement (2003)
Casted over 450 of the ‘rice-like’ forms, I used 1500 feet of steel cable to weave the steel basket in which they were placed. In India, rice associated with domestic rituals, religious ceremonies, festivals and social gatherings, which have marked various stages of my life. The practice of the Rice mandala in the form of floor tracing is a domestic ritual practiced by Hindu women to create protective spaces. In a broader context, this work references to domestic rituals, domestic labor and women’s work. The process of making each grain in the effort to fill this basket was part of a self-immersion in the name of connecting myself today with this ancient practice of my past.
Casted over 450 of the ‘rice-like’ forms, I used 1500 feet of steel cable to weave the steel basket in which they were placed. In India, rice associated with domestic rituals, religious ceremonies, festivals and social gatherings, which have marked various stages of my life. The practice of the Rice mandala in the form of floor tracing is a domestic ritual practiced by Hindu women to create protective spaces. In a broader context, this work references to domestic rituals, domestic labor and women’s work. The process of making each grain in the effort to fill this basket was part of a self-immersion in the name of connecting myself today with this ancient practice of my past.